Our Story

"Yani's Desserts was built on childhood memories of my grandmother, Hattie. At the age of about 8 or 9 years old, I used to sit in the kitchen, watching her bake. She made her pie crusts and biscuits from scratch, and would give me the parts she didn't need. She never used a cookbook—everything she did was from her memory! I would mimic her movements. I could never put the pies together, but observing her was amazing in and of itself.

Being able to taste the sweetness from the simplicity of ingredients like flour, eggs, and butter was fascinating to me. I would patiently sit and wait for her to be done so I could indulge in her work.

Once I was older, and had my own children, I began to think about all the desserts my grandmother used to make. I wanted to do the same for my kids. Around 2006, I started trying her recipes, and have been baking ever since.

My daughter, Tayana, started baking when she was 13 years old. In the newer age of technology and social media, she has taught herself techniques and methods that has complimented the traditional approach from my grandmother's recipes".

-Ayana King